Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Starry Night...

 On a day when one has nothing to do, the word bored usually becomes a key word, and watching T.V. becomes an all day activity. Call me weird, but T.V. is boring in itself if you watch for too long of a time, and the word bored is not even a word in my dictionary. When there is nothing to do you simply make something to do...
    So this white headboard has been sitting in our upstairs hallway for months, and like any worthless piece of furniture it did nothing but collect things that had no real spot to be. It made the hall look cluttered, and the headboard really just needed to disappear. 
   Well suddenly there was a day where I was not working and needed to do something to keep myself busy. I was standing in the hall, and so was the headboard, so I decided I would paint. I went to Walmart and bought some acrylic paint and brushes and went to work on my masterpiece. 

I never expected to like the piece, and I never expected it would take so long. I never painted much before, but this was like opening a whole new world, where all I wanted to do was continue. I was automatically mesmerized by the strokes made by the brush, and I could't believe it was my hand that was in control.  
   I worked on this piece for about 4 hours before it was finished and unfortunately its still a headboard, and will be covered if anyone decides to use it again.
   Currently I am trying to cut the headboard to where its just the starry night piece and I can hang it in my bedroom. I am starting to think that was not the best place to paint a picture but at least, for now, the headboard is still in the hallway for people to see. 

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