Monday, August 20, 2012

When your feeling down try painting your hands a different color...

Sometimes people can surprise you...I've always hated surprises. 

I like having my day planned out perfectly, surprises throughout my day do not always go so well because I like to be prepared for them. The other day I got a surprise from my doctor, and I was not really sure what to think, or how I felt. I was not sad, I was not happy, no tear, no smile. I went to the doctor, mind fully prepared for what I was going to hear, like I said I like to prepared, but after having it magnified in front of me and hearing what I would have to do and the choices I would have to make, I wasn't so sure. Later that night I was sitting there in front of my mirror staring when it hit me. I was not sitting in a shallow pool drowning of sorrow, but I was upset. I knew that there are people out there who have it far worst then I do, but this was my own problem, and I am allowed to not like it. However, I'm not the kind of person who likes to feel down for to long, I prefer to be in a good, perky, weird mood, as people describe it, so I decided to paint my hands. I like to add color and hope to situations that appear black and white, because after all if your feeling down, try painting your hands a different color...

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